2009 the national second prize for scientific and technological advancement 2009 the national second prize for scientific and technological advancement

In the light of the generation, management and control, treatment and warning of ecological crisis, a complete theoretical and technical method system was put in place in this project, and technical standards were provided for integrated regulation of water resources for domestic, ecological and economic purposes. In this project, six original achievements have been made as follows: 1) regional eco-water use standards in China; 2) ecological efficiency theory of water cycle; 3) regional eco-water calculation model; 4) theory and calculation method of canal eco-water with multi-parameters; 5) theory and calculation method of wetland eco-hydrology structure; 6) eco-water regulation criterion and management method. The project of Study on Regional Eco-water Use Standards in China has achieved major breakthroughs in terms of basic theory, key technology and management decision-making, which has played a pioneering role in China’s eco-water theory and technology.

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