National Key Scientific and Technological Projects/Support Planning Projects National Key Scientific and Technological Projects/Support Planning Projects

l  July 2016 - present 

Person in charge of National Thirteenth Five-Year-Plan Scientific and Technological Support Planning Project “Technology of Hub Storm Flood Forecasting and Emergency Regulation”;

l  October 2007 - December 2010 

Person in charge of National Eleventh Five-Year-Plan Scientific and Technological Support Planning Project “Joint Regulation Technologies of Three Gorges and Super Large-scale Cascade Hub Group”;

l  January 2006 - present 

Person in charge of Key National Twelfth Five-Year-Plan Scientific and Technological Support Planning Project “Research on Key Technologies for the Regulation of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project”;

l  January 2001 - December 2003 

Person in charge of the second subject “Study on Management Information Systemof Water Resources Allocation in Heihe River Basin” under the National Tenth Five-Year-Plan Key Scientific and Technological Project titled “Study on Key Technologies of National Water Security”, mainly in charge of outlining the overall technical routes, and putting forward a set of theory and methodology for water resources allocation based on the hierarchy of “simulation, allocation, assessment and dispatch”. The output results had been appraised and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology;

l  September 1996 - December 2000 

Chief technical coordinator of 33 special subjects of the National Ninth Fiver-Year-Plan Key Scientific and Technological Project titled “Study on Rational Utilization of Water Resources and Ecological Protection in the Northwestern Region”, in charge of the overall special subject titled “Study on Rational Allocation of Water Resources and Ecological Protection in the Northwestern Region(96-912-01-04)”, in charge of outlining the technical  routes of the project and some special subjects, and putting forward dualistic watercycle process theory on the basin scale that taking account of both environmental factors and the effects of human actions; a series of significant theories and methodologies on water-drived ecological succession mechanism and calculation of ecological water requirements. Output results of this project had been appraised as “Holistically Advanced International Level”;

l  December 1992 - December 1995 

Person in charge of the subject “Study on the Planning and Management of Macro-economy-based Water Resources in North Regions of China(85-926-04-03)” under the National Eighth Fiver-Year-Plan Key Scientific and Technological Project titled “Improvement and Control of the Yellow River and Exploitation and Use of Water Resources”, putting forward the theory and methodology for the rational allocation of water resources based on macro-economy, and developing a macro-economy based water allocation model. Output results of this project had been appraised as “Holistically Advanced International Level”;

l  March 1987 - December 1990 

Major participant in the subject “Optimal Retrieval Adjustment of Hydro-electric Station Group and Optimal Dispatch for the Comprehensive Use of the Three Gorges Reservoir (75-16-05-05)” under the National Seventh Fiver-Year-Plan Key Scientific and Technological Project titled “Comprehensive Use of the Three Gorge Reservoir”, putting forward a fixed equivalence theory for the optimal dispatch of reservoir group.

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