Dr. Wang Hao gave since lectures for middle school students Dr. Wang Hao gave since lectures for middle school students

On 24th Jan, 2016, Dr. Wang gave science lectures about the currentsituation and future development of China water resources for students from Beijing the eighth middle school.

Dr. Wang talked about Dujiangyan Project, South-to-North Water Diversion Projectand Three Georges Project. Besides, he introduced the three phases of China water resources research, namely, water quantity research, water environment research and water ecology research, indicating that China is current in the process of transferring from the ending period of water quantity research into the period of water environment research.

Inthe end, Dr. Wang answered questions about water resources and discussed with students about future careers. Dr. Wang suggested students to strengthen body, save time, have ambition and pay attention to the cultivation, encouraged them to devote to water conservancy construction and wish everyone to achieve good results in university entrance exams.


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