Videos on Civil Popularizations Videos on Civil Popularizations

In terms of civil popularization, Dr. WANG Hao has participated in series of children's popular science activities and personal guidance. He has completed the manuscripts "Save Water and Love Water” and “You Know and I Know”. For successive years, he has given popular science lectures in universities, middle schools and primary schools such as Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Daxing-based Elementary School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University.

l  CCTV-1 The "VOICE"Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets

    Online Connection:   https://youtu.be/fy3smz0weC0


l  Popularizationof Science at Beijing UniversityUrban water systemgovernance under the concept of ecological civilization

    Online Connection: https://youtu.be/pc8cZKE1fxo



l  Great Qinling Mountains

    Online Connection: https:/youtu.be/uNyrKqcTDWY

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